Welcome Traveler, pull up a chair and order a mug of ale, we might be here a bit.
My name is Serix, the establishment's owner, and whether you're looking for monstrous beasts, dragons, or heroes to battle them with, I am here to help fulfill your needs.
By utilizing our Creators menu, you can browse through the various styles of each artist, or browse through our kickstarters. And if you're truly daring, go to our shop page which updates with every model loaded so you can choose from those just now becoming available.
Freelance paintjobs are now available exclusively on Tabbie's very own website www.tntstudios.org
So cut into that mutton, take a long swig of ale, and let's get to work.
Serix's Bag of Holding LLC, EST. 06/20/21. Family owned and operated.